The vibrations of the earth at the moment are in a ‘frenzy’. They attack people on an anger level and an intolerance level and an impatience level, so that their (people’s) response to such conditions is exaggerated, and they respond in kind, which strengthens the vibrations of the Field.
The vibration that is being transmitted from the angelic realm from the 24th of October until the 28th of November is a chance for people to ‘take a breath’; to step back from negativity; to – instead of responding instantly with more anger, more intolerance – have a ‘breathing space in their mind’, within which the spiritual reality of their response is revealed to them. In other words, they will look at themselves in such moments and realise that they are reacting with undue anger; with unwarranted violence; with a response that is destructive.
The new Intention is a calming vibration. If it reaches – gets into – someone’s mind successfully then their actions during this period will be less aggressive, less destructive, and more spiritually-minded.
The natural response, spirit-to-spirit, is not one of aggression or impatience or anger or over-reaction; it is one of love and recognition of self in others and the Divine in others and in self. This is what the Intention will work to restore during this period.
‘P.G.’ then concluded with a message for every WMA member, as follows:
…There is also a blessing – a protective vibration – being placed around each of the meditators during this phase to ensure that they are at their most effective and that they are isolated from the destructive tendencies of the material world at this time.
Thank you for your participation. Your efforts are not in vain, as you will see in coming months.
Our love to you all.
A benevolent, loving power that will heal all and chase away the darkness.
I just would like you to know that your hard work is deeply appreciated and, as I perceive it, very effective. I do promote your efforts in the Joseph reader group; and implement your advice daily with wonderful results. I just can’t thank you enough! You have got my support – always.
Such a shame there are not thousands more in this group considering we are trying to help the planet and human kind from entering another stage of stasis.
I wish all the groups were in closer contact to bring all the light workers together like you guys, Neil Donald Walsh, Mike Dooley, Wayne Dyer organisation, Eckhart Tolle and Louise Hay etc etc. All of you have a fairly aligned message.