What on earth are ‘Angelic Intentions’?
The concept might sound complex, outlandishly mystical, supernatural and unscientific (or a bit ‘woo-woo’ as they say currently) but in reality it’s quite simple and makes absolute sense once you acknowledge and accept that there is a spiritual imperative woven into the existence of each planet in our physical universe.
You see, everything we interact with physically begins its existence spiritually, via a creative process that coalesces intent into physical form. As spiritual beings our ‘intent’ – our volition to create something – anything – from a cup to a political stance, activates first on a spiritual level, and is then translated down into the solidity we see around us. Form follows thought.
Things here have far greater implications than they appear to have in their limited physical manifestations. And within the physical landscape we perceive around us lies – hidden for now – a higher, nobler purpose – a spiritual ‘agenda’ of benefit to all humanity that is patiently waiting to be reactivated.
Each planet in our solar system… indeed, every planet in our galaxy and in the universe it is a part of was created with a very specific plan in mind – that being to allow the spirits who voluntarily visit it in physical form opportunities to add to their individual and collective experience in unique ways and – as a result of those unique and positive experiences – to continue to evolve and to grow.
The Earth is no exception, but collectively and individually we have forgotten this – forgotten who we really are and why we are here – believing ourselves to be nothing more than physical beings in a physical world. We thus seek only physical solutions to all our global and personal challenges, banishing the spiritual and, as a result, failing miserably to solve our recurring problems time and again.

Each planet is the recipient of specific ‘incoming’ higher vibrational frequencies at specific times – nurturing ‘intentions’ for the planet and its inhabitants that have their origins in the angelic creative realms. These, unseen, are streamed into the atmosphere of that planet to reinforce the world’s purpose and strengthen the harmonious opportunities it offers to all the lives it plays host to.
In the case of the Earth the spiritual underpinnings of our planet are being ignored, and have been ignored for thousands of years, resulting in the repeating loop of negativity and suffering we witness around us each day, which currently seems to be increasing in strength and resulting in escalating worldwide chaos.
Because humanity has created, believed in, promoted and repeatedly reinforced a negative, self-seeking, power-hungry, ‘what’s in it for me?’ attitude to life here, the collective field of human consciousness we are immersed in has become polluted and the planet’s underlying ‘Angelic intentions’, which have the power to re-establish our world as the place of peace, decency, love, respect, harmony and spiritual learning it was originally intended to be, need a regular ‘boost’ in order to penetrate humanity’s dense shell of materiality and positively impact the Earth and every life here on a subconscious level.
That’s where the World Meditation Alliance comes in. At specific times each week WMA members connect via Zoom or in person to act as channels – as living conduits – for ‘Angelic Intentions’ directed towards the Earth, relayed via trance medium Michael G. Reccia from members of a vast soul group of evolved spirits who have each lived many times on our world and who are deeply concerned for the future of humanity and our planet unless we change and regain our spiritual memories.
In a nutshell, the ‘Angelic Intentions’ we receive (which are delivered to us as verbal communications to which are assigned precise calendar dates) are higher vibrational frequencies which, if successfully streamed to the Earth, can and will change things here for the better. These are not the property of a handful of supposed ’elite’ souls around our globe, but are accessible to all souls, with every member of the WMA a powerful and equal force in distributing those frequencies to the Earth and to its peoples.
The following is an example (abridged) of the type of Angelic Intention we receive, this one active between July 27th and September 16th, 2022 and delivered, through Michael, by a highly evolved spirit we call ‘the Persian Gentleman’.
The theme of the Angelic Intention is Clarity of Vision, and during this period it is intended – requested – that souls view their lives from the heart… not from the physical eyes but from the spiritual heart.
The heart is the revealer of truth; the un-folder of the path ahead; the connection to spiritual reason. Reliance on heart-truth and guidance at this time will enable many souls to see through the illusion. Many souls usually do not see through the illusion in that they live their lives solely from a material, physical point of view. During this special time, if the vibration reaches and touches the hearts of certain souls across the globe those souls will awaken to truth. They will evolve in that their spiritual senses will be reconnected with the Whole and the ‘Whole’ of situations will be revealed to them. It will be a shock to many – and that is good, because through a shock there will be a moment of change, and at that moment of change the Light becomes the stronger force within the soul and the soul begins to rebel against the wickedness of the illusion.
The vibration of clarity of vision reveals the point of power within, and souls successfully affected by this Intention will turn inwards, perhaps for the first time in their lives, and all that is ‘outwards’ will be shown for what it really is.
You will get a sense of this happening in certain quarters during this period, and we are delighted to be able to bring this imperative to Earth. It is an extremely strong Angelic vibration…’
Angelic Intention: CLarity of Vision
There is a further tool available to and regularly employed by WMA members in delivering the Angelic Intentions to our world and it is mentioned in the Angelic Intention quoted above.… That tool is ‘Light’, a subject we will cover in the concluding part of this explanatory trilogy.
Concluded in Part Three.