Part One: Positive Action for Negative Times
If you’re new to the WMA, it’s likely that you’re asking where this all began…and how, why and at what point did the World Meditation Alliance come about?
Pertinent questions…and ones that I need to take you back in time to the monthly meetings of the Band of Light and the bringing through of the Joseph Communications books in order to answer. Approximately once a month for many years the four members of ‘the Band of Light’ (Joseph’s terminology for our little group): myself, Jane, David and, of course, Michael, would gather on a Saturday morning at Michael’s house to sit quietly, and to support and protect him as he entered into a trance state in order to bring through a new chapter from the discarnate soul group spokesperson Joseph for whichever Joseph Communications book he happened to be dictating at the time.
On occasion, at the conclusion of Joseph’s address we would receive additional information, intended for our ears only at that time, and delivered by the specific members – spirits – from his soul group who created and controlled the energy bubble within which the communications could take place. Over the months and years we spent bringing through the books, on a number of occasions we were informed that maintaining the energy levels necessary for communication was becoming an increasingly difficult task for our spirit visitors to accomplish as the world had taken ‘a step down’ in vibration – had become more negative. Indeed, on one such occasion, so concerned were the members of Joseph’s soul group (and numerous other soul groups too) we were informed that they had held the equivalent (in our terms) of a vast ‘emergency conference’ regarding the state of the earth and what might be done to raise the vibrations of humanity.
At the time that news sounded serious enough, and a Joseph theme that runs throughout his books is the need for souls on earth to take responsibility and urgently introduce a higher, more spiritual vibration to our world while there is still time to do so. We had assumed, however, that there would be at least a few decades remaining during which humanity could work on a higher vibrational level to rectify what was increasingly going wrong in our world and pull us back from the cliff edge.

The events and challenges of the last couple of years, however… the dark, sticky, negative vibrations manifesting globally as a result of the materialistic direction society is steering us in ever more rapidly; the ignoring and seemingly deliberate eradication of all seeking that leads to and maintains a spiritual perspective on life; plus further communications we’ve received from the soul group on this subject (to watch filmed trance footage of this please visit our Youtube channel the Joseph Communications) indicate that we are far closer to an ‘end of days’ than we might like to think – unless we do something …and unless we do it quickly.
When everyone was ‘confined to quarters’ a couple of years ago we were, with deep regret, prevented by circumstance from meeting to produce our regular filmed discussions, and the general mood, both in the UK and across the globe, seemed to be at an all time low. Michael had known psychically that something was very wrong with our world for some time and, wishing to keep souls focussed on doing something positive, and on taking up Joseph’s directive to stream Divine Light energy from our heart centres into the world to lift vibrations and restore a spiritual balance to our planet, decided to instigate ‘Band of Light World Meditation Days’. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays souls were invited via social media to unite with Joseph and his Soul Group in spirit at specific times to pour Light energy into our world and to all life here.
Concurrently, and as society gradually emerged from confinement, it became apparent, both to my mind and via the regular communications we were receiving from the soul group, that the Sanctuary of Healing had a vital role to play in addition to that of healing individuals (which it continues wholeheartedly to do, of course) – that being to act as a central nexus from which the aforementioned Light energy could be introduced to our world to transform things here and make a lasting difference.

Taking instruction and advice from a key member of Joseph’s soul group – the evolved spirit we call ‘the Persian Gentleman’ – and knowing that, as he tells us, ‘More is done by one person living in the Light for one day than by a hundred people who are submitting to the chaos of this world,’ and, as Joseph also states: ‘The one who takes up the way of the Light is far more powerful than a hundred or a thousand who don’t,’ we took the decision to create an Alliance that could unite meditators, spiritual seekers and spiritual workers across the planet, in person and via zoom, to allow them to work in unison each week towards a common goal – that of restoring our world to the cradle of love, decency, respect, harmony, spiritual opportunity, peace for All and consideration for all forms of life here it was created to be.
The World Meditation Alliance is the result of that imperative… but that’s not the end of the story… Something even more potent, powerful and unique was to be introduced into our proceedings by members of the soul group:
the Angelic Intention….
Continued in Part Two.