…What’s all this talk of LIGHT?
…Light this …Light that…The term can be used a little glibly these days in association with spiritual matters… so let’s dig a little deeper, and discover the true spiritual implications of the word Light…
The Oxford English Dictionary describes Light as being: the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc. and from electrical devices, and that allows things to be seen. Spiritually speaking, however, that’s a very limiting definition of what Light actually is and the amazing things Light is capable of.
Here’s a concept to contemplate in your quieter moments: beneath the temporary wrapping of flesh and blood that you appear to be, you are a being of Light. At core you are not a flesh and blood person at all, but a ‘spirit person’ – an individualisation of Divine energy undertaking a temporary journey in physical form – and as such you have a very powerful, creative tool at your disposal… that tool being Light.
Within your physical heart there lies a spiritual heart, and within that spiritual heart there is a ’well’ of Light energy: an unbreakable connection to the Divine creative force that you are a facet of… a source of and a constant outpouring of Light that you can access, activate, use and direct at will if you choose to do so.
As a result of purposely becoming still and taking a peaceful inner journey (a journey we embark on during each WMA session) you can make as many trips to your heart-Light well as you wish to – it will never run dry – and during each visit you can gain access to that limitless supply of higher vibrational energy that has the ability to not only illuminate your own pathway through life and help reinvigorate and heal your body and mind, but can also be used to re-establish a nobler, kinder, more harmonious way of life here here for all humanity, for our world, and for every expression of life on Earth.

The Light within your heart is a restorative, constructive, loving vibration… the energy behind and within every physical manifestation you observe around you – including yourself. It is the tool you use as the spiritual being you really are in order to create… in order to coalesce your dreams, wishes and expectations into reality, whether you are consciously aware of doing this or not whilst you are on Earth. Second by second you mould and shape Light energy into form via your dominant beliefs, always manifesting around yourself in your personal world (and also contributing to global ‘reality’) more of what you believe to be true.
…We consciously connect with and use heart-Light during each World Meditation Alliance session. The skewed perceptions of our world that are presently causing such global chaos can never be straightened out; the increasingly damaging attitudes and dictates of society never be dispersed by appealing to the head-minds of those instigating such worldwide upset… all the head-mind seeks to do is find material solutions to life’s challenges, to look after the little self at any cost, to make fight-or-flight decisions drawing on millennia of materially-based survival instincts.
It is only at heart, via access to the heart-Light within the spiritual ‘heart-mind’ we each have, and via reaching out to others to establish spirit-to-spirit, heart-mind-to-heart-mind contact, that lasting, positive change can and will take place… change that is voluntary and not brought about as a result of coercion or pressure or condemnation… change that comes about when the Divine spark within the heart, sadly turned down to little more than a ‘pilot light’ in many souls, is able to recharge itself as a result of a regular infusion of Light energy. The Light we send out encourages souls to see clearly, to reevaluate their actions, to consider and adopt a spiritual approach to life, and to abandon and reject anything that does harm to and diminishes others and our world.
WMA members work from their hearts during each meeting, streaming Light-energy out to the planet and its peoples, choosing to let their heart-Light shine on behalf of every life here and the Earth. Crucially, that Light, drawn on selflessly with us combining and boosting our Light-power by working as a group, also acts as a carrier for the Angelic vibrations – the Angelic Intentions detailed in the previous blog in this series – that deliver highly spiritual promptings and nourishment to all souls here – promptings and nourishment that seek to restore them and our world to a harmonious state of spiritual consciousness and spiritual expression.
So… there we have it: an explanation in this blog and the previous two parts of the WMA’s aims and how we are working to achieve them.
1: We have a communal motivation, which is to non-judgementally restore harmony, balance and a spiritual perspective to our world.
2: We have communal access to Angelic Intentions – loving frequencies that can benefit our world and its peoples.
3: We have the means, through working together, of delivering those Intentions to the Earth and its peoples, functioning as carriers for the Intentions and streaming them out, wrapped in the love and Light we find in our hearts.
Increasingly these challenging times demand urgent spiritual action. Please join us now to make a real, positive difference by joining and working with the WMA’s family of dedicated meditators every week.