There are many types of meditation, but they each have a common thread running through them: that of calming, focussing and taking charge of the often chaotic and demanding human mind and body – which in the normal course of things are unused to becoming still – to allow a person’s higher consciousness and senses to come to the fore for a time so that a number of desired ‘aims’, from applying healing energies to the body to interacting with higher states of being, can be achieved.
In the case of WMA meditations, each week participants are gently guided by the sessions’ hosts into a relaxed and peaceful state of mind and body as they are taken, step by step, through a simple process of activating and energising their principle ‘chakras’ – the seven major energy gateways positioned in a line down the centre of the body. This having been accomplished, and with members by this early point in each meeting now being connected to each other and to higher vibrations via these energy centres, the current “Angelic Intention’ is read out and contemplated, with each person acting as a channel, a ‘cell’ within, a vital part of the body of meditators, to allow the vibrations of the Intention to be introduced into this ‘reality’ and streamed out to the Earth and to all life on our planet.
At the conclusion of each session, members are quietly and safely returned to their everyday consciousness as their chakras are safely closed and sealed under the direction of the meeting’s host.

The altered state of consciousness participants experience during each meeting is peaceful, blissful and restorative – it is also vital, as a shift in focus from the material to the spiritual needs to take place prior to the channelling of each Intention – the complexity of society and of our head-minds, which are for the most part immersed in the heaviness and negativity of the field of collective human consciousness, inhibiting spiritual objectives from being accomplished until such time as we raise our personal vibrations to gain access to ‘the bigger picture’.
Why do the discarnate spirits providing the intentions require WMA members to be participants in each ‘streaming’ session? Why do the Angelic Intentions not simply affect our world directly, without members needing to work together as an essential part of the process? Because the Intentions require an earthly ‘anchor’ – a focal point and outlet in this reality that permits them to be distributed at a vibrational rate that can touch and inform – and thus be considered subconsciously by – all life here. So high are the frequencies they present to us, they would not be perceptible and effective here were they not first filtered down to our vibrational level via ‘the human factor’ – that is, as a result of members acting as incarnate ‘distribution centres’, allowing pure spiritual intent to infuse and influence the dense ‘soup’ of the earthly vibration during each meeting.