Here’s the new Intention, delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman:
Michael: PG today is dressed in blue-to-purple robe.
P.G.: What I haven’t said before is that, although you’ve inferred it, the colour I am dressed in each time reflects the nature of the vibration I’m about to announce. So today’s vibration is, colour-wise, within the blue/indigo/violet waveband and the title of the new Intention is:
There is no greater lesson for souls as to how they should treat their fellow beings than to be placed in their shoes – if only for a few seconds. And for the duration of this Intention, which begins on the 28th of January and remains until the 19th of February, the vibration reaching the planet will encourage souls to empathise with those around them – with the plight of those around them; with the conditions of those around them.
During this time your personal empathy for people, as meditators, will also probably be heightened. Not because you need to have it heightened, but because the overall vibration will cause a heightening of that connection with others. So please don’t be alarmed if you find yourselves deeply moved by the plight of others, by the lives and circumstances that others have to go through on this planet, during this period.
It is intended, however, that the main power of the vibration affect those souls who have yet to learn that their actions have an effect on others… and for those souls to admit this vibration sub-consciously so that they will be made aware, during the time of maximum potency of the Angelic Vibration, of how it feels to be on the receiving end of their vibrations: How it feels to be oppressed; to be restricted; to be placed in positions of helplessness and pain and suffering.
There will – it is hoped, it is prayed for – be a time within the experience of each soul during this particular vibration reaching and infusing the planet… there will be a period for each of those souls during which they will become acutely aware of the effect of at least one of their actions on others. They are, of course, at liberty to recover from this sensation and to carry on as they are doing, but for many the sensation, the recognition, will be so strong that they will – it is hoped – be halted in their tracks and be placed once again on a heart-mind course that will lead to them expressing love rather than the darker side of their emotional spectrum.
Watch for it! Watch for cracks in the veneer during the time of this vibration and also be kind to yourself if you find you are over-reacting, or appear to be over-reacting, when considering the lot of others. This will simply be as a result of you already being sensitive and reacting to a vibration which will stimulate all souls (as each Angelic Intention stimulates all souls on earth) to be heightened in their response to the negative aspects of the lives of others. But, in the case of those souls who are acting out of dark motives at this time, it will be – it is hoped – an awakening to the Light.
Thank you as always for your participation in this great movement to shift the consciousness of the world – of humanity – back into a state of love and harmony and an appreciation of the spiritual energies and Intentions that flow through all Creation.