Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. Press the ‘play’ button below to listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or continue reading the full transcript below.
Michael: I have P.G. here, dressed in white, and he is saying that the title of the intention, which runs from the 29th June to the 30th August, is:
The Realisation of Family.
The Persian Gentleman: What I mean by that is: during this period there will be a great upheaval in people’s minds and hearts as they are suddenly faced with the fact that everyone around them is part of their extended family – part of their spiritual family.
So, you will have soldiers on the battlefield who will suddenly realise that the person they are aiming a weapon at is their brother or sister.
You will have politicians who, as they are making a law that has been bent to their own desires, will suddenly realise that the people who will suffer under that law are their true brothers and sisters.
You will have family members who will re-evaluate their relationship with other family members that they have perhaps taken against or have been resentful of for years. They will suddenly realise the value of having those people in their lives and the interaction with them.
There will be a huge theme of family during this period.
Heartstrings will be tugged. There will be a realisation of the connection of souls to each other – not just on this level, but the connection to the angelic host and the connection to people who have gone on ahead into the spiritual realms.
The theme of family will come up time, and time, and time again because this vibration is a reminder that there is nothing but family …there is nothing but Oneness …there is nothing but different
expressions of the Divine that at core are not only linked but are the same thing.
This vibration is necessary, and linked into the other vibrations that I have given you in the past few months, as a final reminder and prompt to reignite the spiritual hearts of all people …so that theyview their relationship with other souls in the correct way …so that they interact with each other in the correct way …and so that they have a re-establishment in their hearts of the security, the comfort and the love that comes from knowing that they are part of the Divine and each a part of the other.
Of course, as with all Intentions we bring through, this will not apply to all souls because some souls are so far removed in the consolidation of lower vibrations within their spirit that they will be unaffected by the Intention. But here and there across the globe, you will find that souls re-evaluate their position in life, their attitude towards others, and a ‘light bulb’ will switch on within their souls and the rest of their lives will change as a result of this period. And, those ‘converts’ (as I would like to call them) will add to the shift in attitude that must come and will be powerful points of Light across this globe to stimulate more souls, as time goes on, to come to that same conclusion.
Regard this as a period of enlightenment because we, in the spiritual realms, have full knowledge that we are each a part of the other; the angelic beings that come to visit us (and are our destiny) have an even greater knowledge of that bond; and the Divinity that flows through those angelic souls and through us will, during this period, reach out to souls on Earth in a way that hasn’t happened for many, many years.
That is all I want to say on this subject – I think you have enough to concentrate on. I would ask that, before you begin each session, you acknowledge that you are family; you put aside anything that prevents you from thinking in that way; you unite as family …and then you send out the vibration on your behalf, on our behalf and on the Divine’s behalf.