PG (dressed in green):
He says: A one word intention as a title, and the word is: PEACE. And you might think that peace is a simple intention to bring through.
However, what is not understand is that peace is the natural ‘rest’ period of the creative spiritual process. It is a time between creations when one can examine what one has created and let go of that which is no longer of use to the individual and to the community. So, the vibration of peace
- the angelic intention of peace – is an extremely important one, and from February 18th. until March the 23rd. the concept of peace will be presented to all souls on the planet and to the planet itself.
The vibration of peace is a state of observation; is a state of connection with THAT WHICH IS throughout the universe; is a state of knowing that all is well, that anything that is extraneous to the way forwards needs to be let go of during this period. A state of peace is something that not many minds will appreciate, and it is hoped that during this period that vibration of peace, of rest, of consideration can affect as many minds as possible and can also give them the inspiration that peace IS POSSIBLE, because it will also reveal to them the possibilities of peace
- the vision of a peaceful world and peaceful hearts and minds.
With regard to the planet, peace is also a clearing out vibration so that the planet that has been infested with the negative thoughts and intentions of society and those in ‘authority’ – or so-called authority – can be free of those vibrations that irritate and pull apart and destroy the eco-system and the natural, peaceful operation of your world.
…One small word, one HUGE concept.
Please channel the angelic intention of peace during the period that I mentioned and allow it to bring the true meaning – the understanding of the concept – to as many minds and as many lives as possible.