Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. Press the ‘play’ button below to listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or continue reading the full transcript below.
Michael: The Persian Gentleman is with me dressed in a very deep blue (a colour I haven’t seen him in for a while) and he says that the title of the new Intention is:
Music to their Ears.
The Persian Gentleman: The vibrations that emanate from Divine-source permeating this physical universe have a musical vibration to them. If you could tune in, as the spirit that you are, you would hear a harmonious blend of notes permeating everything, and those notes change at specific times in accordance with the benefits that come from the Godhead in order to allow souls visiting planets to learn and to evolve.
On Earth at the moment, the notes produced by humanity are discordant and have become the dominant sounds spiritually across the planet.
The purpose of the new Intention is to rebalance the frequencies reaching the hearts and minds of souls across the globe and to re-establish the pulse of vibration reaching the Earth. In other words, instead of the cacophony and the speed that is surrounding each soul at the moment on Earth, the higher vibrational notes will re-establish themselves in souls that are ready to receive and respond to them.
Now, this will manifest itself – not necessarily as something that will be perceived as positive because, in order for those notes to have a successful influence on the souls they are meant to reach, those souls have to have a period of receiving those notes …and then a period of rest …a period of receiving those notes …and a period of rest. There has to be balance – whereas at the moment there is simply the cacophony of the notes produced by earthly society and earthly thinking.
And so, in order for there to be a pause, there will be interruptions in the lives of souls throughout this period. Those interruptions could come as an unexpected loss of ‘progress’ (from an earthly point of view) or could be due to a temporary illness that causes a soul to have to step back, rest and rethink its purpose here. That is not to say that for all souls the periods of rest between the notes will be seemingly negative, but for some souls the only way that we will be able to get through to them is by causing them to stop for a period so that they can rest from the cacophony of the Earth and
allow the next wave of ‘Divine-music’ to reach them.
This Intention will last from the end of January until the 22nd of March. It is a strengthening of the Intentions that have gone before it and is a further refining of the Divine-Light that is reaching the Earth at this time …a further dedication of that Light with a specific end in mind.
You will also see the silencing of many things and the quietening of many earthly imperatives during this period, and you will see the dispersing of what are only temporary vibrations, to be replaced by the harmony and music of Divinity.
For too long now a section of the ‘universal orchestra’ has been playing out of tune …has been playing out of step …has been adding discordant notes to the Whole – or attempting to do so. During this period, there will be a retuning and each of you is
responsible for bringing that retuning to those souls at this time.
Be steadfast, be calm and be certain that your efforts acting as conduits for the Light will bring tremendous results to those souls who will listen; and those souls will realise that there is a greater harmony than the surface disharmony that is being presented to
them by society.
Thank you, as always, for your work on behalf of the entire planet and on behalf of the ‘Soul Community’ that exists here …and is here to evolve and to learn and to grow
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