Here’s the new Intention delivered, as usual, by the Persian Gentleman. Press the ‘play’ button below to listen to Tony’s reading of the Intention, or continue reading the full transcript below.
Michael: So… P.G. is here and he is dressed in gold – a very bright gold. And, he says that the new Intention runs from the 18th November until the 28th January and into the 4th February (there is a transition phase) and the title is:
Attunement and Transition.
The Persian Gentleman: Building on what I said last time about the swell of Light-energy that is sweeping across the world at the moment – just as that Light-energy had to be layered in intent over many months, there are now specifics relating to every human soul across the world that are layered as well; and the intention is to get Light to each of the aspects of the human soul.
This is the first of three transitional vibrations, so you can call this ‘Part One’ because there will be two to follow.
I have to explain that the human being is made up of different vibrational fields. The spirit that is within the human being is subject to different vibrational fields …to a mental field …to a physical field …and, of course, to a spiritual field. It is rather more complicated than that when talking about the spiritual field, but for all intents and purposes we will call it a ‘spiritual field’.
Now, the mental field is the one that we are addressing in the new Intention …in that the mental ‘bandwidth’ of the human being, for many years now and increasingly, has been charged by the material and has eliminated the influx of the spiritual into itself. In the normal course of things, the mental field is aware of its connection to the spiritual field, but that increasingly has not been happening, and increasingly there has been a material strength to that field that has pushed out the intermix with the spiritual.
So, the new Intention is to stimulate the mental field with a spiritual remembering (and by ‘remembering’ I mean a reconnecting) and to infuse that field with a spiritual sensibility that has been, in many souls, deliberately pushed out. So, during this period there will be promptings within the mental field and a resetting of the mental field – the analogy would be to point the mental field towards a different ‘transmitter’. The current ‘transmitter’ is the material and what we want is the ‘Divine transmitter’ to be back online to influence the mental, so that decisions are made based on a blend of material and spiritual input …rather than on a material input only.
Again, this will be a time for conscience and, again, you will witness in various areas of the world a switch of priorities as that mental field is gently stimulated from its correct source. Therefore, during this period there will be a return in many areas to what you would describe as traditional values. These may only seem to be in small ways but it will be a huge shift.
This is the first of the three predominant vibrations that will be layered within the dominant permanent vibration of the Light that is sweeping across the world. …And that is, in a nutshell, what the new vibration is about!